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Monday, November 29, 2010
Wednesday, March 03, 2010
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to our ENTIRE Private-Only Members Area. This includes fully organized databases, resources and data centers you can personally use to conduct your own investigations from the privacy of your own home just like the detectives do!
You are just minutes away from having that kind of knowledge at your fingertips
Are You Satisfied With Your Medical Coding System?
No doubt health care industry is booming right now. Technological advancements today have made medical practice management more complex than it actually is, especially for the dedicated medical practitioners who can ill-afford the time to process claims and insurance benefits. To meet these continually increasing demands and patient expectations, medical offices, hospitals, clinics, and practices are realizing the need for a specialized multi-tasking medical billing and coding program.
Most patients nowadays don't pay in cash. They have their health insurance provider to take care of payments for them. If doctors and other healthcare providers want to get paid, they would have to go to the insurance company themselves and process their claims. Be it patient billing, scheduling, insurance claims or any other related medical procedure, practitioners are now turning to electronic medical claim and billing systems to organize their work load. Electronic medical billing software has emerged as an indispensable tool for healthcare providers worldwide.These medical software programs are packed with features that serve to help not only health professionals but medical billing and coding specialists as well; regardless of whether they are working for a large company specializing in medical office management or as independent, home-based professionals. A medical billing and coding software does everything - from overall healthcare management to electronic patient records/charts and from processing electronic claims to patient scheduling. By using them, health care practices, even small ones, can certainly find that edge required to succeed in medical billing, coding claiming procedures.
However, not many practices can afford them. High costs of medical coding software have always limited its adoption among medical offices and clinics. In order to address this need for low-priced yet full-featured electronic medical billing systems , medical software vendors from all over the planet, have some up with customized EMR (electronic medical record) solutions and packages, whose prices are based on the number of simultaneous users rather than the number of physicians in a practice. The immediate benefit of adopting an electronic medical billing and coding program should be focused on increasing your reimbursements. Also, when looking for physician practice management software, a practitioner should evaluate the following with the medical software vendor/company:-
- 1. Does the system handle scheduling quirks unique to your practice?
- 2. Does the system recognize all the procedure and diagnostic codes your practice uses?
- 3. Can the system handle multiple offices and multiple doctors?
- 4. Can information be accessed from multiple locations?
- 5. Does the electronic health record (EHR) program include inventory tracking or the ability to manage several separate accounts?
Exam Preparation Products For Cma, Cfm, Cbcp, Cia, Cisa, Cpm, App, Cissp ...etc
At ExamREVIEW, we have been developing certification exam contents for major vendors since 1997. In year 2001 we started our own online outfit, with unique products marketed under our own brand name.
We specialize in high-end professional certification exam prep products, including and not limited to CPIM, CPM, CBCP, CIA and CMA. You'll read about our products in this web site. In fact, check out the extensive list of certifications earned by Michael, our Chief Content Developer and you will know why we are the best - we ourselves earned our certifications using the exact same study methodology and material!
Michael himself is a perfect example of academic and certification success. As the leader of the ExamREVIEW product development team, he is one of the most certified individuals on the planet! And you can make it too! Use the bulletproof products Michael and his team developed ON TOP OF the prep products you currently use, and you'll have the power to achieve certification success at record speed. You'll get the maximum return for every dollar, and every minute, you invest in your preparation efforts.
As an experienced trainer for big corporate clients such as Merrill Lynch Asia Pacific (
), Michael knows the needs of his students. He had his study guides written in easy-to-use everyday language so everyone can easily access the information. He made the material to-the-point and with no fluff to distract the candidates from the truly urgent things that must be learned to succeed on the exams.
We are not going to make outrageous claims like "you'll pass the exam in 7 days." After all, we don't know your skills nor your background. What we can tell you is that, before formal releases, our products in beta format were offered to multiple regional training schools for real life beta testing - their classes of students actually use our products for further preparation before taking and passing the corresponding exams!
We specialize in high-end professional certification exam prep products, including and not limited to CPIM, CPM, CBCP, CIA and CMA. You'll read about our products in this web site. In fact, check out the extensive list of certifications earned by Michael, our Chief Content Developer and you will know why we are the best - we ourselves earned our certifications using the exact same study methodology and material!
Michael himself is a perfect example of academic and certification success. As the leader of the ExamREVIEW product development team, he is one of the most certified individuals on the planet! And you can make it too! Use the bulletproof products Michael and his team developed ON TOP OF the prep products you currently use, and you'll have the power to achieve certification success at record speed. You'll get the maximum return for every dollar, and every minute, you invest in your preparation efforts.
As an experienced trainer for big corporate clients such as Merrill Lynch Asia Pacific (
We are not going to make outrageous claims like "you'll pass the exam in 7 days." After all, we don't know your skills nor your background. What we can tell you is that, before formal releases, our products in beta format were offered to multiple regional training schools for real life beta testing - their classes of students actually use our products for further preparation before taking and passing the corresponding exams!
Professional certifications Michael has accomplished since 2002:
Michael's academic qualifications: | Advanced IT Certifications:
Human Anatomy & Physiology Home Study Course.
Human anatomy
which, with human physiology and biochemistry, is a complementary basic medical science, is primarily the scientific study of the morphology of the human body. Anatomy is subdivided into gross anatomy and microscopic anatomy. Gross anatomy (also called topographical anatomy, regional anatomy, or anthropotomy) is the study of anatomical structures that can be seen by unaided vision. Microscopic anatomy is the study of minute anatomical structures assisted with microscopes, which includes histology (the study of the organization of tissues), and cytology (the study of cells). Anatomy, physiology (the study of function) and biochemistry (the study of the chemistry of living structures) are complementary basic medical sciences when applied to the human body. As such, these subjects are usually taught together (or in tandem) to students attending medical school.
In some of its facets human anatomy is closely related to embryology, comparative anatomy and comparative embryology,through common roots in evolution; for example, much of the human body maintains the ancient segmental pattern that is present in all vertebrates with basic units being repeated, which is particularly obvious in the vertebral column and in the ribcage, and can be traced from very early embryos.
The human body consists of biological systems, that consist of organs, that consist of tissues, that consist of cells and connective tissue.
The history of anatomy has been characterized, over a long period of time, by a continually developing understanding of the functions of organs and structures in the body. Methods have also advanced dramatically, advancing from examination of animals through dissection of preserved cadavers (dead human bodies) to technologically complex techniques developed in the 20th century.
In some of its facets human anatomy is closely related to embryology, comparative anatomy and comparative embryology,through common roots in evolution; for example, much of the human body maintains the ancient segmental pattern that is present in all vertebrates with basic units being repeated, which is particularly obvious in the vertebral column and in the ribcage, and can be traced from very early embryos.
The human body consists of biological systems, that consist of organs, that consist of tissues, that consist of cells and connective tissue.
The history of anatomy has been characterized, over a long period of time, by a continually developing understanding of the functions of organs and structures in the body. Methods have also advanced dramatically, advancing from examination of animals through dissection of preserved cadavers (dead human bodies) to technologically complex techniques developed in the 20th century.
Does this XBox 360 Repair guide really work??
I have personally repaired Thousands of XBox 360s with the Red Ring of Death. Now you can gain personal benefit from my experience. I'll show you how to easily fix the 3 Red Light Error. I've laid out the repairs step by step so that anyone can easily fix their XBOX 360. I'm so convinced that you'll be able to fix your xbox 360, that we're offering a complete refund if you're not satisfied. So you have nothing really to lose.This XBox 360 Repair Guide also covers: over heating consoles, 3 red lights, freezing, E74 error, graphic glitches, and 2 red lights. This step by step XBox 360 Repair Guide is easy to understand, and will have you up and running in under 1 hour.Learning how to repair your XBox will save you a LOT of Money. Microsoft will not tell you how to fix these errors. They'll ask you to send your system back to them for repair. The typical cost for a repair can be as much as $140 plus shipping and handling. Also - they do not always guarantee a fix! Use this guide to repair your own XBox 360 - and save your $140 for games. You could actually make money! We have some buyers using this guide to repair broken XBOX 360s they purchase from ebay for a discount. They then resell them at a huge profit. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD NOW |
Get Your FREE FarmVille Tips & Strategies!
If you're sick and tired of running around totally broke while other players get barns and greenhouses and the most expensive villa, this information is for you.
You've probably always wondered why you can't seem to make as much money or level up as fast as the other players in the game.
I used to wonder the same thing. I thought,
"Where are these people making money so fast?"
"Are they buying it on FarmVille?"
"What are they growing and selling?"
So I set out to spy on all the successful players I could find to see just what they did to earn all of their money and to level up so fast.
I spent months using stealth tactics to track high level players everywhere from the forums to adding them and visiting their farms and back.
I discovered just what it was they were doing to make extreme amounts of money- and then improved upon their methods myself and even created amazingly profitable new techniques.
They never suspected a thing, that is, until I started making more money than all of them...If they found out that I spied on them- they would hate me even more!
You've probably always wondered why you can't seem to make as much money or level up as fast as the other players in the game.
I used to wonder the same thing. I thought,
"Where are these people making money so fast?"
"Are they buying it on FarmVille?"
"What are they growing and selling?"
So I set out to spy on all the successful players I could find to see just what they did to earn all of their money and to level up so fast.
I spent months using stealth tactics to track high level players everywhere from the forums to adding them and visiting their farms and back.
I discovered just what it was they were doing to make extreme amounts of money- and then improved upon their methods myself and even created amazingly profitable new techniques.
They never suspected a thing, that is, until I started making more money than all of them...If they found out that I spied on them- they would hate me even more!
Get Your Man Back
You start dating a guy and things are going great. You start spending a lot of time together and as the time goes by you can't help but start to notice that your feelings for him grow. And you think that he may even share your feelings. He seems very loving. Perhaps he drops hints about what you will or can do in the future.
Next thing you know, he suddenly pulls away.
He starts spending less and less time with you. He calls you less or completely stops initiating phone calls. He suddenly remembers that he has plans to spend a weekend doing something else, so that he can't see you.
And after a while he stops calling you completely and doesn't answer your phone calls.
And you are rehashing all the things you did or said trying to understand what's wrong with him!
Or perhaps you start trying harder.
When he seems distant and inattentive, you start giving more and more.
Perhaps he wants to stay home on a weekend and you offer to bring lunch or dinner over.
You cook a gourmet dinner, bring it over, but he still seems distant and you end up having sex after he eats that dinner you cooked, but you see no enlightenment in him. He is still distant and perhaps even irritated with you.
You try to talk to him, but anything you ask or say is perceived as stupid, and you start feeling that you probably should not have said anything at all.
And then you go home and he disappears on you.
He doesn't call you and doesn't answer the phone when you call. Or perhaps he says he'll call you back and you are left in the lurch waiting for a phone call that never happens.
The problem is that no matter how hard you try, it seems to make the situation even worse.
What happens next is that you start looking for answers in all the wrong places.
Some of the wrong places that give you the wrong answers are: women's magazines, advice of your girlfriends who suggest that you do what they would want to be done by their men for them...
See, what works for women doesn't work for men!
And you probably come to the conclusion that you should write a letter to him and express your feelings. And you write all those things that bother you down and send him an e-mail or a letter.
Or, some women have sent text messages expressing their feelings.
Some women tried to get a guy on the phone and ask him right there and then about what's going on.
Some "luckier" ones manages to even get a guy on a dinner date and after they've sat down and the food was ordered, they started the “heavy” conversation about what's going on.
And if you have tried all of those things you know THEY DON'T WORK!
Next thing you know, he suddenly pulls away.
He starts spending less and less time with you. He calls you less or completely stops initiating phone calls. He suddenly remembers that he has plans to spend a weekend doing something else, so that he can't see you.
And after a while he stops calling you completely and doesn't answer your phone calls.
And you are rehashing all the things you did or said trying to understand what's wrong with him!
Or perhaps you start trying harder.
When he seems distant and inattentive, you start giving more and more.
Perhaps he wants to stay home on a weekend and you offer to bring lunch or dinner over.
You cook a gourmet dinner, bring it over, but he still seems distant and you end up having sex after he eats that dinner you cooked, but you see no enlightenment in him. He is still distant and perhaps even irritated with you.
You try to talk to him, but anything you ask or say is perceived as stupid, and you start feeling that you probably should not have said anything at all.
And then you go home and he disappears on you.
He doesn't call you and doesn't answer the phone when you call. Or perhaps he says he'll call you back and you are left in the lurch waiting for a phone call that never happens.
The problem is that no matter how hard you try, it seems to make the situation even worse.
What happens next is that you start looking for answers in all the wrong places.
Some of the wrong places that give you the wrong answers are: women's magazines, advice of your girlfriends who suggest that you do what they would want to be done by their men for them...
See, what works for women doesn't work for men!
And you probably come to the conclusion that you should write a letter to him and express your feelings. And you write all those things that bother you down and send him an e-mail or a letter.
Or, some women have sent text messages expressing their feelings.
Some women tried to get a guy on the phone and ask him right there and then about what's going on.
Some "luckier" ones manages to even get a guy on a dinner date and after they've sat down and the food was ordered, they started the “heavy” conversation about what's going on.
And if you have tried all of those things you know THEY DON'T WORK!
Burn the fat feed the muscle
Extreme Fat Loss With Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle (BFFM)
Mike Ogorek's 137 pound FAT loss
Mike Ogorek's 137 pound FAT loss
Ladies and gentlemen, this is what it all boils down to: How bad do you want it?
Is it a priority for you to lose fat? Do you yearn to be fit and show the world your new body? Have you suppressed yourself throughout your life by missing the pool parties, boating trips, playing outdoor basketball, shopping at the malls, and even going on dates and dinner parties because you feel overweight? If so, then I can help you. I just want you to answer this one simple question honestly: How bad do you want to be a lean, mean, fitness machine?
If you didn’t hesitate and you're still reading, I assume you want it BAD!!!!
Trust me, I felt the same way you do now when I was 333 pounds and so fat that the only store I could really shop at was “Big and Tall.” My life was falling apart and I felt my weight was a main problem. I was embarrassed to go out with my wife and kids because I was so proud of them for what they are that I felt that I would embarrass them because I was so obese and disgusting.
At my heaviest around November of 2001 I weighted a whopping 333 pounds at an unknown body fat, wore size 48” pants, and 6’1” tall. One night, I could feel my heart pounding out of my chest and I had an "awakening." I vowed to lose my weight to at least the point where I felt my life wasn’t in jeopardy.
I gave up soda pop, cigarettes, pizza, and fast foods like McDonalds. I still neglected to exercise with the exception of weekly basketball. By August of 2002 I reached a new low of 260 pounds, with tight size 36” waist, but I hit a plateau that I wasn’t able to break. I continued to hold this weight until about July of 2004.
I slowly began to regain my weight until Christmas Day of 2004 when I reached a large 288 pounds again and my pants size was back to a very tight 40” waist. Once again, I vowed to stop the madness and lose the fat! I busted my butt on the stair master and weight machine but still couldn’t get past 277 by March 5th of 2005.
Then I found Tom venuto and his Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle Program.
On 8/26/05 ,after 25 weeks on the BFFM program, I weighed 207 pounds @ 16.4% and I was committed to reaching my goal of single digit body fat!
From September through November of 2005 I tried to maintain my weight and not be so strict on my food. I'll admit I was nervous to see if I would have to stay on this type of an eating plan for my entire life. I didn't have to! I had done the meal planning, calorie calculations and food ratios so much that I was able to eat using my head and not the computer program I initially used to balance the nutrient ratios.
This also gave my skin some time to "CATCH UP" with all my weight loss. It seemed to work because I was much less strict with my diet and since I kept excercising and lifting weights, I gaining muscle. I have to admit, it was fun to snub the people who thought it would be impossible for me to maintan my weight.
That was the begining of what I call Fat los "Session #2."
On December 1st 2005, I was at 212# at 14.6 % body fat. It felt great and I was able to run 20 miles without a problem, but I still wasn't satisfied. So I went back to being more strict with my food but still not using the computer to track my food ratios just my progress. The results were AWESOME again! I hit 197# - 199# several times.
On 3/30/2006 I hit 200 pounds and 7.67% Body fat!
Man it feels great. People keep asking my when I'm going to stop. I just tell them "When I can see ALL my abs!" or sometimes I'll tell them "I'll let you know when I'm done."
Below are the staggering and amazing results I have achieved. Please see the below charts and graphs of my progress as measured by Mike Ogorek on the Friday of each week. The far right point on each chart are my short term goals I have working to. These charts where not begun until BFFM so I have no accurate information before when I was at 333 pounds.
I have lost 30.05% body fat, 85 pounds of fat, and gained 7.46 pounds of muscle just since I have been tracking the numbers! I look amazing compared to what I used to. Before March 1st 2005 I couldn't have run to the refrigerator, but now I can run 20 miles without a lot of difficulty.
I have many people everyday ask me what my secret is. I tell them the same thing - I use Tom Venuto's Burn the Fat Feed - Feed the Muscle program and it all boils down to "How bad do you want it?"
In my opinion, there is no secret pill, there is no magic drink, there is no surgery that will make you lose fat and keep it off. You must change your lifestyle!!! If you want it bad enough it will happen, and after a few weeks it will become easier by the day. After every compliment, and after every time that stranger gives you an extra look or smile, you will know that this is what you have always wanted to be.
There is no better sense of accomplishment then the personal success you will achieve using Tom's Burn the Fat -Feed the Muscle Program. By using his information there is nothing you can't do in terms of your level of physical fitness. His book is the greatest tool I think you will ever find in your quest to become physically fit. The plan also allows you to customize the program to your own needs and goals. For those who want to lose a few pounds, to the extreme goal that I had, it WILL help you.
Since about the 4th week on the program, I constantly got questioned and complimented on my change in my life. But it wasn't easy to get started. I strongly suggest you complete the goal section of the Burn The Fat Feed The Muscle program to help you get started.
Your food selection choices are endless and I want to tell you that I eat MORE food now than I have ever eaten before even when I was 333 pounds. I now know what the proper foods and nutrient levels I need for my body to react how ever I want it to. As you can see from the above charts I have had a few stumbling blocks and plateaus that I have had to break through and the this program will give you the tools that you will need to break through your plateaus.
How bad do you want it?
I wanted it so bad I could taste it, feel it, see it, and believed it. I wanted to be lean as quickly as possible. But I also have a beautiful wife and three wonderfull children that I adore with all my heart and I work 5-7 days a week, drive one hour to and from work, and help coach football and softball. If I can find the time that so can you. This program will not only help you reach your goals it teaches you how to live a healthy lifestyle! You can achieve any goal whether it is a 150+ pound loss or just 10 pounds.
Remember, the magic pill, potion, drink, or surgery that will KEEP the weight off doesn't exist. If you want it bad enough then please open your opportunities to a new body and life through the BFFM program. I can't speak for Tom in anyway but I can say I am a very successful student of his Burn the Fat - Feed the Muscle program and the results are here for everyone to see. The decision is totally yours and you are 100% responsible for your actions and choices. Make them good ones and good luck.
Mike Ogorek
Chicago, IL
Chicago, IL
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