Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Get Your Man Back

You start dating a guy and things are going great. You start spending a lot of time together and as the time goes by you can't help but start to notice that your feelings for him grow. And you think that he may even share your feelings. He seems very loving. Perhaps he drops hints about what you will or can do in the future.

Next thing you know, he suddenly pulls away.

He starts spending less and less time with you. He calls you less or completely stops initiating phone calls. He suddenly remembers that he has plans to spend a weekend doing something else, so that he can't see you.

And after a while he stops calling you completely and doesn't answer your phone calls.

And you are rehashing all the things you did or said trying to understand what's wrong with him!

Or perhaps you start trying harder.

When he seems distant and inattentive, you start giving more and more.

Perhaps he wants to stay home on a weekend and you offer to bring lunch or dinner over.

You cook a gourmet dinner, bring it over, but he still seems distant and you end up having sex after he eats that dinner you cooked, but you see no enlightenment in him. He is still distant and perhaps even irritated with you.

You try to talk to him, but anything you ask or say is perceived as stupid, and you start feeling that you probably should not have said anything at all.

And then you go home and he disappears on you.

He doesn't call you and doesn't answer the phone when you call. Or perhaps he says he'll call you back and you are left in the lurch waiting for a phone call that never happens.

The problem is that no matter how hard you try, it seems to make the situation even worse.

What happens next is that you start looking for answers in all the wrong places.

Some of the wrong places that give you the wrong answers are: women's magazines, advice of your girlfriends who suggest that you do what they would want to be done by their men for them...

See, what works for women doesn't work for men!

And you probably come to the conclusion that you should write a letter to him and express your feelings. And you write all those things that bother you down and send him an e-mail or a letter.

Or, some women have sent text messages expressing their feelings.

Some women tried to get a guy on the phone and ask him right there and then about what's going on.

Some "luckier" ones manages to even get a guy on a dinner date and after they've sat down and the food was ordered, they started the “heavy” conversation about what's going on.

And if you have tried all of those things you know THEY DON'T WORK!

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